Follett Shelf – ebooks

Follett Shelf

Follett Shelf is an online ebook library available to students in Grades 5 – 12.

As with our physical libraries and books, we request that parents always be involved in the selection of titles.

Accounts follow the same format as our Learn60 accounts.

username: firstnamelastnameactivationyear (eg. jacquelinesmith14)

In most cases, the username should be the same as students use to login into their Learn60 accounts with the same password. For example, a student named Naomi Paige would be naomipaige14 for an account created in 2014. If you cannot login check with your local school librarian or administrator for help.

Download times for ebooks are best before and after school due to internet traffic. Downloading from home is often fastest!

Follett Shelf ebooks are available on iOS devices, Android Devices, and computers with modern browsers.

Project Gutenberg

The site offers free e-books that include many out of copyright books in multiple formats from online, pdf, epub, and mp3.